Live Happy: How To Make A House Feel Like A Home

Let me guess. Your place isn’t giving you all the good vibes so you’ve probably gone down the black hole of Google looking for tips on how to make a house feel like a home and so now you are here.


It all boils down to surrounding yourself with things that you love and give you all the good feels. So let’s talk about what those things could be.

How To Make A House Feel Like A Home: Feel Good Moments

Is there a time in your life, a memory that makes you smile real big? Like show your back teeth type of smile?😂

Let’s say for instance it was your wedding day, then add your wedding album to your coffee table and use it to style it up.

how to make a house feel like a home

How To Make A House Feel Like A Home: Family Pictures

Keep those you love close by.

Nowadays everyone keeps their pics on their phone. Instead, print those pictures out and place them around your house. You could even create a gallery wall of your favorite family pictures and momentos, which leads me to my next tip.

how to make a house feel like a home

How To Make A House Feel Like A Home: Momentos

Do you love to travel? Did you pick up souvenir from a trip that you really love? Then display it in your house.

I have a little drum that I picked up on my solo trip to Jamaica and I chose to display it on my bookcase. Why? Because every time I look at it, it reminds me of that trip and how I chose to do something special for myself by going on a solo trip.

So whatever that momento is for you, find a way to incorporate it in your room.

how to make a house feel like a home

How To Make A House Feel Like A Home: Colors

What is your favorite color? One that makes you feel good, powerful, energized, calm, etc use it in your space.

Now it doesn’t have to be a paint color (it could be though), maybe you can add pillows in your favorite color, go bold and use it in your furniture or maybe start small with curtains.

Whatever you choose, adding colors to your space that make you feel good will make it feel like a home. Trust.

how to make a house feel like a home

How To Make A House Feel Like A Home: Scents

Is there a certain scent that every time you smell it, you feel good as hell?

For me that’s musky type smells like amber, tobacco (even though I don’t smoke), cedar wood, but then I love softer scents too like lavender and vanilla. So I make sure to add candles in my room that incorporate these scents.

One of my fave candles hands down is The Langston from my girl, Terri of Harlem Candle Company and when I’m in the mood for something a bit different that also smells amazing, I go with this Scentsational Storm Candle. I usually find it at Marshall’s for cheaper, but Amazon is another alternative.

Not into candles? Try a room spray, incense or essential oils instead, which help to raise the vibes in your home. The point is that adding scents that you love is a sure way to make a house feel like a home.

how to make a house feel like a home

How To Make A House Feel Like A Home: Make Your Entrance Inviting

The entrance to your home sets the vibe for the rest of your space. It’s the first place not only you, but your guests see so make it inviting.

You can do this easily by adding a doormat with a cute message, pattern or your initials.

I found these cute doormats at Target.

Another way to make your entrance inviting is by adding a plant (real or fake), beautiful artwork, or even something as simple as keeping it clutter free and organized will keep your anxiety at bay and allow for people to get by easily.

I have a mini course on decluttering and organizing if you need tips to get your space right fast and easy. Check it out here.

Those are my easy tips for how to make your house feel like a home. Start with one and start transform the vibes in your home.

how to make a house feel like a home

Are you still struggling to decorate your space?

You should love your space. It should be functional and make you feel all the good vibes, but if it doesn’t, then hit me up here for some help.

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