You Deserve To Have A Sacred Space

Home is more than a home, it’s a sacred space.   A space that tells a story of who you are and memories of special moments you’ve lived.  A space that beams with the light of who you are as a person.  A space that is not just filled with random items, but items that serve a purpose and bring you joy.

It’s a place that makes us feel safe enough to be who we are flaws and all because it’s there to wrap its arms around us and provide us with not just shelter, but protection from the outside world.  Our home is our sanctuary.

Everyone deserves to have a sacred space.   You deserve to have a sacred space and you can attain it.

Now I’m here to be real with you and let you know that home decor is an investment. but like with all investments, it’s worth the price tag especially now more than ever.

Why You Deserve To Have A Sacred Space

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I created Redo Your Room Online to serve my black and brown community because we need a sacred space the most.  The outside world isn’t easy to navigate for us and the stress of it all takes a toll on us, but our home is there to welcome us and take us away from all of the madness.  It’s where we can relax and just be without judgement, where we can take off the assimilation mask and just be us and sit in all the good vibes.

I had to learn that investing in myself is okay because I grew up with limiting beliefs of not having enough, the survival of the fittest mindset, and the ever popular one of we can’t afford it and when I tell you that it took A LOT of mindset work to crawl out of those limiting beliefs man where do I begin.  

My mother was a single mom, who didn’t know the language and always worked at least three jobs at once to make ends meet for me and my two sisters.  We were on welfare, food stamps and I can still remember having to lie to the landlord and tell him that my mother wasn’t home every single time he knocked on our door to collect the rent.  That does a number on you.

I had to shift my mindset to a place of understanding that money is energy.  That it is ever flowing and in order to receive money, I had to give/spend money even during times that I told myself that “I didn’t have it”.  I had to make investments in my mental health, in my business and in other areas of my life and it was scary AF, but it has allowed me to grow as a person and allowed the flow of abundance into my life like never before.  I stopped having a scarcity mindset and it has been such a freeing experience.

My spiritual journey began more than twenty years ago when I was in my early twenties.  One of my earliest memories was when I quit a union job at a city hospital because my boss was being an a hole.  I just quit.  No plan, no nothing.  All I had at the time was my 4 year old daughter and a rent bill that was coming sooner than I wanted. I didn’t think about those things.  I just did what I knew deep down inside I needed to do.  I listened to that voice inside, you know my intuition.  Now I’m not saying this is the move for you, but stay with me because it wasn’t all butterflies at first.  It went more like this…

I went deep in my feelings, stayed in bed and basically panicked for two days then I snapped out of it and took myself down to Grand Central Terminal with copies of my resume in hand and spent all day knocking on doors of hundreds of temp agencies looking for work (now this was back when the internet didn’t even exist).  It was exhausting.  I damn near lost hope, but I got a call back and in a week, I found a job.  It paid the same as unemployment and when I factored in transportation and lunch money, I would be making less, but something told me to take the job and so I did.  That temp job was the entryway to a career in HR that lasted over 15 years!  

I knew that in order to live a life I deserved, I had to step out in faith.  It was the only way that I was going to elevate and in order to elevate, I had to invest.

You Deserve To Have A Sacred Space

A key element in getting me out of bed and feeling motivated to do the work was my environment.  At that time I lived in a studio apartment with one window with the view of a brick wall so basically I had zero natural light coming into my home.  It was a depressing look so I didn’t let that bring me further down instead I did something about it.  

I invested in my environment.  I spent a lot of time at Kmart and Ikea with my sister buying things for my studio apartment.  Things that not only helped to make it pretty and lively, but that also helped to make my small space more livable.  I learned early on that saving even if just five dollars a paycheck was going to ease my mind and prepare me for the curve balls that life likes to throw.  So with every single job that I’ve had, I’ve made it a habit to allocate funds into my savings account.  I was able to use some of the little savings I had and invested in my home.  I saw back then and mind you this was years before I became a Decorator, but I knew in my core the importance of my environment and the effects that it had on my mental health.  

So I say this all to say that home decor is an investment.  An investment not only into your environment, but into your mental health because our environment affects us not just physically, but mentally.  When we are in a space that brings us joy and the walls wrap around us like a safety blanket, it shifts something inside of us and makes us feel good, motivated, peaceful and nothing less than good vibes. This is what I call a sacred space and you deserve to have a sacred space.

If you’re struggling to get out of a scarcity mindset, I’m going to leave you with some money affirmations that have really helped to shift my mindset from one of scarcity to one of abundance:

  • Money flows easily into my bank account in many ways and with so much ease.

  • I am a money magnet.

  • I welcome money into my life.

  • I am worthy and deserve to receive all the money I desire.

  • Money is energy and ever flowing.

  • I am worthy of massive compensation.

  • I am a magnet for earning, receiving, keeping and saving money.

  • I earn lots of money and spend it wisely, even when I treat myself.

I write these in my journal daily like my journaling mentor, Rachel Luna taught me, but for days that I really need it to hit home, I say them out loud in front of a mirror.  Powerful! Listen to this podcast episode for more gems.

Are you ready to invest and create a sacred space for yourself?

You should love your space. It should be functional and make you feel all the good vibes, but if it doesn’t, then hit me up here for some help.

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