Is The Corona Virus Forcing You To Stay Home?...Tips To Make Your Room Bearable

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There are some of us who’ve been putting off decorating for a minute and now that we are home as a precaution, we’re faced with having to actually spend time in a room that we don’t enjoy so much.

I wanted to let you know that you don’t have to be miserable in your space so I’m hooking you up with some easy tips to help make your stay indoors a bit more pleasant.


I’ve been doing a lot of this lately especially since my new year happens in March aka Spring Equinox. It’s the time when I come out of hibernation from the Winter and with that the need to purge arises. Take advantage of the time you have right now get rid of things that don’t make you feel happy, don’t make you smile and just no longer provide a need in your life. You’ll feel so much lighter and so will your space.


There’s A LOT of panic going on right now and I blame it on the media. This is actually the reason that I don’t watch the news and limit my time on social media. It helps me to cope with my anxiety, but let’s not get it twisted, I do stay informed in other ways.

With panic comes low vibrations and energies that are just not good for our mental health, which is why cleansing your home is even more important at a time like this.

Light up some sage, palo santo, incense or drop some agua de florida (aka florida water) in your cleaning water and to get rid of any low vibrational energy like anxiety, fear, doubt, etc. This will help you to stay in a positive mindset allowing you to think clearer and making it harder to become a target for false news.

Bring Nature Indoors

If you are not ready to spend time outdoors, bring in a new plant into your home or buy yourself some fresh flowers and place them in a pretty vase. It will help to keep you calm, while adding some color to your home. You don’t even need to leave the house to get you a plant. Order some from one of my go to stores, The Sill. Check them out here.

Light It Up

Burn some candles. Adding your favorite scents to your home is an automatic mental feel good strategy and what candle doesn’t make a space look prettier?

Try a lavender candle, which is good to help calm you down during chaotic times or if you’re like me and prefer woodsy scents, try an amber or tobacco scent like my fave candle ever from my home girl Teri here. This reminds me that I need to get me another one of her candles since I ran out!

Switch Things Up

Retailers and small businesses alike are in a panic at the moment so try and support by shopping online. My inbox is currently being flooded with coupons so I took advantage and got me some new curtains for the dining room and kitchen. This has been on my To Do list for forever and I finally crossed it off! On top of that, I actually enjoy looking out my window now since those ugly ass curtains that I use to have are gone!

Some other ways you can switch things up are by swapping out your throw pillows or you can go the cheaper route and get new pillow covers. Try styling up your bookcase or giving it a new look by switching up some of the accessories you use to style it up or switch out the knobs on your furniture or kitchen cabinets. These little changes make a HUGE difference. TRUST!!!

Finally Catch Up

I can’t tell you how long my Decorating Project To Do List is…you wouldn’t believe me if I told you, but now that I’m spending more time indoors, I’ve been crossing things off my list…finally.

Things like switching up the wall art in our bedroom, adding a hanging planter with new plant in our bedroom and later this week, I may finally repaint the dining room table. Years ago, Sereena spilled nail polish remover on the table and the paint peeled off (yes this project has been on my list for years…don’t judge me and I won’t judge you :-)) so I’ve been meaning to sand it down and repaint it. I have the supplies at hand so that wasn’t the excuse, I just never had the time to actually get it done, but now I do.

I never get tired of telling people just how important our environment is to our wellbeing. Our home is our sanctuary, our temple so it should be a space that makes us feel good.

What projects have you been putting off because you haven’t had time? Well now you do so get to it!

Also, if you’ve been meaning to start on a decorating project, now is the time to get started and if you need help with that, hit me up here, I got time! lol.

Stay safe, eat nourishing foods, be mindful of the content that you consume and be well my friend.

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