Are You Ready To Hire An Interior Decorator?
We covered a lot in the series: How To Start Decorating Your Room. If you missed it, get caught up here, here and here.
Now that you are aware of all the prep work that goes into a decorating project, you have to get real with yourself and decide if you are capable of tackling a decorating project on your own or if hiring an Interior Decorator is the best move for you.
There are three important things you need to consider when deciding for yourself.
Are You Too Busy?
If you’ve ever attempted to decorate on your own, you know first hand that it’s not an easy task. It looks easy, but when you’re in it, you quickly learn how far from easy it really is.
There is so much that goes on behind the scenes when it comes to putting together these Pinterest worthy spaces, but I’ve noticed the one thing that isn’t highlighted enough and that is time. Yes, I said time.
Looking for items for a space takes weeks, yes I said weeks. There are rare moments when you can get lucky and find one item in a couple of hours, but that doesn’t happen often.
Let me break down how it usually goes so that you can see how all of the pieces work together like a puzzle.
Let’s say you need to find a coffee table for your living room, but remember all the prep work that we did on how to start your decorating project on the right foot…the series? Well this is where all that work is going to pay off because this coffee table that you’re looking for needs to check off all of these points:
is it within budget?
is it the right material/color that will blend well with the rest of the items in the space?
is it the right size to allow flow and function
does it fit the vibe and design style that you’re going for in the space?
All of these factors need to be checked off in order to bring this item into the space so that you’re able to create the look you’re going for.
This takes skill and lots of time. I’ve had moments where it’s taken me a week to find the right coffee table for a client because yes finding a coffee table is easy, but finding the right coffee table for the space is not.
I also want to mention the many times when you will need to pivot to achieve the look you’re going for, which will eat up more time. What I mean is that there will be times when you have a vision for your space, but you will quickly realize that it may not work. For example, let’s say that a reading chair was part of your plan, but it just won’t fit without you having to X out another item from the design plan to make the chair fit. This is when you must pivot and instead invest in a comfortable couch with an ottoman so that you’re able to put your feet up and comfortably read in your room.
Ask yourself do you have the time that it takes to not just find a coffee table or reading chair for your room, but all of the other items that are needed to complete the space while pivoting when things aren’t working as you planned.
Do You Have The Budget?
Budgeting for the items that you will need to fill up your space is one of the numbers you must mind, but hiring an Interior Decorator is an investment that also has to be factored into your decorating budget.
Interior Decorators not only charge for their talent, but they charge for their time. They save you from wasting your weeks away on finding items for your space.
Remember they are not just finding any items, they are making sure these items are checking off the musts we covering in my last point. I always tell people that if hiring an Interior Decorator seems expensive, then save up for the service just like you would save up for a vacation or any other investment you would make for yourself. Decorating your home should be an investment in yourself because our home affects our mood and mental health. #homedecorisselfcare
Can You Give Up Control?
Working with a Decorator requires you to relinquish control.
It also requires that you put your trust in the professional because they are there to provide you with their expertise. It’s why you’ve hired them, but when control isn’t relinquished allowing for the creative process to unfold, it will result in a space that you’ve created and not one that was professionally decorated.
If you know that you are a control freak or aren’t open to suggestions, I would say that hiring an Interior Decorator will not be for you.
Get real with yourself and decide if you are ready to hire an Interior Decorator.
Let’s work together
If you know off the bat that you don’t have the skill or time, but are willing to put your trust in a professional to do this for you, then hit me up here for some help.
Just want someone to decorate for you?
You know you’re not the planning type and rather just delegate your decorating project out.