Decorating Is A Personal and Healing Journey
That’s how we create spaces that we are aligned to, by making it a personal journey and not taking the easy route and copying what you see out there and bringing it into your space.
That’s surface level decorating.
Anybody can do that. Anyone can go on Pinterest, find a pin that you love, go online and find similar furniture, similar colors, bring it into your space and viola you’re done!
But the questions to consider are:
Is that going to feed your soul?
Is that going to stand the test of time?
When you sit and spend time in that space, is it something that is going to make you feel all of the amazing feels or is it going to satisfy a temporary urge?
Is it going to temporarily solve your decorating problem?
Most likely that’s what it’s going to do because you haven’t taken the time, you haven’t done the due diligence. You haven’t given your space the attention it deserves. You haven’t served your space in the way that you are supposed to serve it so that it can serve you in return.
I always say that decorating is reciprocal. The energy and the focus that we put into our spaces affect how our spaces serve us or do not serve us.
If we’re allowing the clutter mount up in our spaces then what are we really saying about how we feel about our spaces. We’re not giving our spaces the attention it deserves by clearing the clutter out, getting rid of what no longer serves us and really freeing up space so that the things that we really want and need in our spaces now have room to come in, the air can circulate and the blessings can come in because now there’s space. So really thinking about the attention we give our space or the lack of attention we give our spaces because our spaces are meant to bless us in more ways than just providing us with shelter.
So I want you to really look at decorating through a different lens and realize that it’s an opportunity to get to know yourself on a deeper level. I honestly feel that it is a healing journey because it allows for us to sit still, dig deep and figure out how we want our space to serve us and what facets of our personality we want to showcase in our space.
Like really think about things like:
Who are you really? What are the things that you love? What are the things that bring you joy? The colors that make you beam bright? What are the textures that give you goosebumps in a good feel way not in a creepy way?
Decorating is basically the external result of journaling.
Looking at decorating through that lens is how we begin to create spaces that we feel aligned to because they are an extension of us. There’s no way you cannot feel connected to it since it’s like looking at yourself in the mirror - your space is your reflection.
Want to finally transform your space to match your vibe?
Book an online consultation to get started