Moving Forward

I have great news to share! My Unit 2 Interior Design grade arrived annnndddddd another drum roll please...."A-"!! Oh yeah baby!!! :-)I'm beyond proud of myself and excited since all who follow me know how difficult these past few months have been, specifically with hubby's stroke. Once we were all okay was I able to forge ahead with finally completing the unit. Even better news...almost done with Unit 3!  Just the design projects left to complete and I'll be sending it in for review. So 2 1/2 down and 3 1/2 units to go until graduation!I often get asked why I don't seem scared of being unemployed and my response is usually that my calmness comes from deeply knowing that I am exactly where I need to be in life right now. Of course finances are extremely tight right now, which makes the stress levels high at times, but I wouldn't trade my journey for anything in the world.  I know in the deep of my core that I will be okay.  Whenever I remind myself of this, I become much calmer.I've been on a couple of HR interviews just because I'm ready to start working again and the income that this profession provides pays the bills, but that doesn't mean that I've stopped working on Plan B.  Oh no, in fact, I just took a break from revising my resume, to write this post.  I've acquired very valuable skills throughout the years that are easily transferrable to the interior design world.  My short term goal is to find an unpaid internship in the field so that I can be one step closer to realizing my dream.I strongly believe that it's important to take risks in life because life is too short to just go with the flow, too short to not be happy or satisfied, too damn short to not challenge yourself.  Some might say that I am crazy especially with the current state of the economy, but I refuse to have the rug slipped from under me again.  I guess being a rebel hasn't changed for me not even as I've gotten older.In the meantime, I'll share a design tip with you.  What to do when you can't find the perfect pattern for curtains or you just don't want to fork over $80 bucks to drape your entire room? make them yourself.  And surprise, surprise, you don't even need a sewing machine...nope, I'm not teasing! All you need is some fabric, iron on tape and measuring tape...oh yeah and a lot of patience.  Simply measure the width of your windows and the length of your desired'll need these measurements when you go fabric shopping.  Oh yeah and don't forget to include a couple inches for your curtain rod.  One more tip, don't try this at home while the kids are up and running.Check out my homemade curtains using some affordable IKEA fabric at less than half the cost of store bought curtains!