How To Start Decorating a Room: Part 2

So last week we spoke about how to start decorating a room the right way by planning. It’s not the most entertaining thing to tackle, but it is a necessary step. If you missed part 1: planning, check it out here.

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Now that we covered planning, let’s dig deeper because what I’m going to share next is a continuation of the planning stage.

How To Start Decorating a Room: Get Real With Yourself

There are some questions that must be answered and answered honestly, which is why getting real with yourself is important.

Those questions are:

  • What is not working in my space at the moment?

  • What vibe am I looking to have in my space? How do I want to feel when I walk into my room?

  • Who will be using the space with me? Kids? Pets? Parents? Roommates, etc?

Let’s break this down real quick starting with the first question.

Sitting down with yourself and really thinking about what isn’t working in your space at the moment is crucial since this is the problem that you will eventually have to solve so that you can finally feel joy in your room.

For instance, do you need to come up with storage solutions for your room because being surrounded by clutter puts you in a bad ass ,mood?

If so, then you know that for your decorating project, buying items that can contain the clutter like a cabinet, bookcase or furniture that doubles as storage is a non negotiable for you. Without these elements, your decorating dilemma will go unsolved, leaving you frustrated AF. So redecorating your room with cute items is nice, but if those items aren’t solving your clutter issue, then all you have is a cute room that doesn’t function to meet your needs. You just basically spent a lot of money for nothing. #sorrynotsorry (is that hashtag still a thing btw? well I’m using it anyway! lol)

Make sure you’re starting your decorating project on a clean slate. Clear out the clutter and organize your space so that you can allow room for all the new items you want to bring into your space. If this seems overwhelming to tackle on your own, check out my Declutter & Organize masterclass here for help.

Moving onto question two, vibes.

Figuring out the vibe you want your room to have plays into the colors and materials you’ll ultimately be using in your room. If you don’t answer this question, you’re setting yourself up to fail and that’s not what I want for you.

Vibes are everything in a space.

Think about your favorite rooms to spend time in. Is it a hotel? Is it a restaurant? Museum? How is it that you felt when you spent time in that room? How did you feel? Write all of those emotions down and don’t be afraid to use these spaces as inspiration for your design project.

Lastly, think about the people in your life. Now if you live alone, this one won’t affect you as much unless you love to entertain.

Keeping in mind the people that will be spending time in your room is key since it will help you to narrow down colors, materials and items that you will bring into your space. Have small kids or kids seem to miss their mouth when it comes down to dinner time? Then maybe having an area rug in your dining room isn’t the best idea. Have dogs that love to lay on your furniture? Then maybe light colored furniture wouldn’t be the smartest choice for your situation.

Thick like me? Make sure your furniture can withstand your weight.

So many things to consider when planning for a decorating project I know, but now that you’re schooled on all the things to consider, you’ll be on the right path to obtaining the room of your dreams.

By the way, we’re not finished. There’s one more component to the planning stages of decorating a space. So stay tuned for next week when I’ll be sharing the next step in the planning stage.

Let’s work together

If you know off the bat that you’re not the planning type and just want this decorating project done for you, then hit me up here for some help.

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Are you starting your decorating project on a clean slate?

Clear out the clutter and organize your space so that you can allow room for all the new items you want to bring into your space.

Julie JamisonComment