How To Use Plants To Decorate Your Space: 7 Ways To Style Your Plants
Last week I shared with you my list of fave decorative indoor planters to add to your home decor plus some plant hacks I’ve learned along my plant journey. I also promised you guys that this week, I’d share my go to tips on how to decorate your home with plants.
Look plants can be addictive. I’m admitting it because I live it! I mean you buy your first plant and next thing you know you have 25 plants in your room. How? When? It happens that quickly! I know because I’m that person.
That’s a lot of plants so you can see how easy it can be to end up with a cluttered look so I wanted to show you some ways you can decorate your home with plants. I promise that is not going to include using bookcases or shelves. It’s a beautiful look, but there are other ways you can style your plants to make your room look cute instead of cluttered.
So let me share them with you.
How To Use Plants To Decorate: Cake Stand/Cheese Tray
I discovered these during one of my many visits to Marshalls, which is crazy because I don’t tend to stroll down the dining/kitchen section of any store since I don’t enjoy cooking, but something told me to just take a look. As soon as I saw them, I immediately thought to myself….plant stand so I copped a a few of them and now I’m in love.
This is why.
They allow you to give your plants just a little bit of height and since I love to place my plants on the floor, they also help with keeping my floors in good shape. I’ve seen the plant trays with wheels, but to be honest, I just don’t think they’re cute. They also work wonders for the times that you buy decorative planters without a plant stand, but want to display your plants on the floor.
You can find them in all kinds of shapes, materials, colors and sizes.
I got something very similar to this at Marshalls for $10 (mine doesn’t have any writing on it). Take a look and let me know if you can spot it in the pic below. I couldn’t find the item on Marshalls’ website so there’s no link however, they are in stores. I know because I see them all the time.
How To Use Plants To Decorate: Nesting tables
Now I just don’t just go with any nesting tables, they have to fit certain requirements like no shelving or weird leg positioning.
This allows you to place bigger plants under the nesting table so that you’re utilizing all of your floor space. A big win for my people living in small spaces!
You’ll notice that I used a cake stand in this pic only this one is square, black and metal. A cake stand works better for this tall plant since it’s short and allows for the tall plant to fit under the nested table and still get all the light it needs to grow.
How To Use Plants To Decorate: Plant Hangers
Plant hangers allow you to display your plants high so it’s a great way to make your space seem taller or add height to an area in your room.
They are also a small space hack since they allow for you to free up your floor space or surface space by hanging them from your ceiling. More room for floor plants! No really, all jokes aside they allow you to spread your plants around your room and avoid a cluttered look.
Now you’ve probably seen beige macrame plant hangers all over Pinterest and I will admit that they’re cute, but they are not then only kind of plant hangers out there. You can find them in different colors like black, which you can see in the pic above. Below are pics of my original beige macrame plant hangers, a beaded one and a rattan one. So cute. You can also find leather plant hangers like this one on Amazon.
How To Use Plants To Decorate: Single Plant Stands
I like to stay away from double or triple plant stands that don’t come apart or can be separated since it makes it hard to decorate your home with them.
They also don’t allow for you to place larger plants on them since most of the time the plant trays that are attached to them are the same size, which tend to be small. I only buy 6 inch decorative plant stands or bigger. I talk about why here, in my plant hacks blog post.
I hate to feel restricted when styling my space and this includes styling my plants so by moving them around, it allows me to give my room a new look instantly.
Double or triple plants stands also take up a lot of space and if you live in a small space, this just work for long and your space will start to look cluttered.
These are the things I look for when shopping for single or stand alone plant stands:
removable base
different heights
different shapes
different colors
different texture
All of these factors are so important when styling your plants and your home. I talk about this more in my Styling 101 masterclass, which you can find here.
How To Use Plants To Decorate: Switch Up Your Plant Stands
Now that we are sticking with single plant stands, we can go and switch things up by moving plants around. Remember how I said that I hate to feel restricted when it comes to my home decor especially my plants?
When you’re able to remove your decorative planter from its base or stand, you’re able to give your plants a new look. You can make your fave plant the center of attention and place it in a tall plant stand for everyone to see. Don’t be afraid to play with contrast by mixing different color pots and bases/stands or mix match the shapes, textures, just go crazy until you find a look you love.
I’m telling you this trick right here makes such a difference. Don’t believe me, watch the video below to see this in action.
How To Use Plants To Decorate: Step Stool
Step stools allow for you to not only get your plants off the floor, but allow you to display your plants on the individual steps.
You can add different size decorative planters, colors, shapes and more to style your plants so they stand out.
There you have it!
If I did my job well, you should no longer be wondering how to decorate your home with plants. I blessed you with 7 ways to style your home with plants. Let me know in the comments which is your fave tip.
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Learn all the tricks on styling your space
Plants are just one of the things you can add to take your space to the next level, but don’t just place plants any place and hope that it will look good!
Instead grab the Styling 101 masterclass now and learn how to style the right way.