Decorative Indoor Planters To Add To Your Home Decor + Plant Hacks
Now I love me some terracotta pots because of all the good benefits my plants get from them, but if I'm being honest, they're not the cutest.
I find them to be too plain for my taste so in this instance I pick style over function hands down because at the end of the day I am a Decorator.
So if you’re like me, I rounded up some of my favorite decorative indoor planters to add to your space to elevate your home decor because when you place your plant in a decorative indoor planter or pot, mannnn, your home decor is now at another level.
I’m this serious about my plants because plants just like home decor are self care for me.
When I spend time with my plants, I feel grounded and they’ve just been such an important resource in my mental health toolbox especially when I’m trying to stay sane with this pandemic and quarantine and all. I truly feel calm and just lighter when I tend to my plants so it’s it win for everyone up in this house. TRUST!
Let’s get to the round up of some of my favorite decorative indoor planters that you can add to your space to elevate your home decor.
Decorative Indoor Planters To Add To Your Home Decor
Decorative Indoor Planters To Add To Your Home Decor: Shoppable Store Links
If you clicked on some of the planters, you’ll notice a few things…
A lot of my fave decorative indoor planters are from Marshalls, TJ Maxx, Home Sense and Home Goods because not only are they cute, but they’re affordable and as your plant collection grows, you and your purse will be loving these spots too.
Now I will warn you, if you see something you love, you must to grab it now because decorative plant pots go quickly. Let me say that one more time. YOU MUST GRAB THEM ON THE SPOT BECAUSE THEY GO QUICKLY. I know from experience. TRUST! If you’re hard headed, you’ll end up with nothing but traditional terracotta pots from Home Depot because finding cute pots in Winter and Fall- that are also affordable is not easy. I know because I tried.
You’ll also notice that I included a few terracotta plant pots. I don’t hate them, I just love something with a twist element to them and that’s because when I’m shopping for decorative indoor planters for my home, there are a few things that I look for like color, texture, pattern, and size. All of these factors are so important when styling your home and I talk about this more in my Styling 101 masterclass, which you can find here.
Plant Hacks I’ve Learned Along The Way
The last thing you’ll notice is that a lot of these plant pots don’t have holes in them, but that’s okay since you can leave your plants in their nursery pot and just drop them inside one of these cute planters.
I don’t remember where I learned this from, it might’ve been from one of my plant girl’s, Carmeon Hamilton or Lolatheplantlady on IG, but I use to be that girl that would plant my plants straight into a decorative planter, but they would never survive - not even if I added rocks, pebbles or bark to the bottom of the pots like many experts suggest. It just never worked for me so I started to do this instead and it works like a charm plus this hack allows me to move my plants around, which is something that I’m always doing. I love to constantly move around my decor because it really helps to change up the energy and look of my home and gives it an instant update.
Another thing. I like to stick to buying six inch decorative plant pots or bigger. Nothing smaller.
Let me explain why.
This allows me to avoid clutter in my home since my plants tend to grow quickly meaning they don’t last long in four inch or smaller pots. For this reason, I started to buy larger pots.
If the plant looks like it’s drowning in the large decorative planter, I place a foam cube inside the planter and place the plant right on top of it. This trick gives the plant instant height and allows it to “fill up” the planter. Two places I get my foam from: the dollar store or from left over packages (I just cut them to size to fit my plant pot).
I try to stay away from short decorative indoor planters and that’s because they don’t cover up the nursery pots completely and as a Decorator, this really annoys me. I hate to see nursery pots sticking out of plant pots.
Now if there is a planter that is just too cute to pass up on, I will buy it and just simply cut an inch or two off the rim of my nursery pot so that it’s hidden from view when I drop it in the plant pot. I learned this trick from someone on YouTube. I’d share the channel, but I can’t remember which of the hundreds of YouTube videos I saw this on. Yes, I’m that girl that watches plant videos for hours at a time. Just for fun! lol
Carmeon also has a hack to make too wide nursery pots fit into a small planter. Now I haven’t tried this one since I stay away from small pots, but I’ve heard that it works. So here’s what she does… She cuts about an inch down the rim of a nursery pot and this cut alone allows you to squeeze the nursery pot so that it can fit into your small planter. Take a look for yourself here in her plants IG highlight.
There you have it!
Don’t be hard headed like me and end up with nothing but traditional terracotta pots from Home Depot because you waited to buy a plant pot you love. Remember how quickly they sell out? Another reason, your girl put this blog post together in February, to give you a head start so you can grab yourself some cute plant pots. The motto is: You see it, you love it, buy it!
Stay tuned to next week for my go to tips on how to decorate your home with plants.
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Learn all the tricks on styling your space
Plants are just one of the things you can add to take your space to the next level, but don’t just put plants any place and hope that it will look good!
Instead grab the Styling 101 masterclass now and learn how to style the right way.