Clever Home Office Decorating Ideas for Small Spaces


Let's face it, nowadays not many of us have the luxury of a dedicated office space.  Lord knows I wish I sure did, but with 4 kids, all of the rooms in my house are taken!

Don't let limited space stop you from creating a home office.  All you need to do is think outside of the box and get a big creative.  In other words, work with what you have.  You'd be surprised on what your end result will look like.

I've come up with a few ideas for to help get your creative juices flowing for when you are ready to create your home office space.

Utilize Your Walls

I feel that if you can find a home for your nick nacks, then somehow you will remain sane.  There's nothing like a mountain of clutter to deflate your work flow.  So to avoid this as much as possible, I would advise to use up as much wall space as possible.  Consider filling up some of your empty wall space with shelving.  Why not fill up your new shelves with some good ol' storage boxes-perfect for keeping the unsightly clutter all contained.

Pic courtesy of HGTV

Buy Double Duty Furniture

Your sofa table can double as desk space.

Pic courtesy of Apartment Therapy

Can You Spare a Closet? 

Then why not tuck in a desk and some wall shelves and wallah! you've got a spanking new office space that can be easily tucked away by closing your door.

Pic courtesy of HGTV

Behind a Curtain

Now you see it, now you don't. Perfect for when you have guests over or if you just simply need a break from work.

Photo courtesy of DIY Network

Under Your Staircase

I love it because it is such a great tuck away space-nice and cozy.

Pic Courtesy of

Disguise It With a Hutch or Armoire

What's behind the door? Is it a TV, is it a wardrobe or is it an office? Only you will know! Keep your guests guessing with a hutch for your office.

Photo courtesy of Apartment Therapy

My "office" is a teeny corner in my dining room...hey it's not perfect, but it works (at least for now).  To keep my sanity, I decided to purchase some storage cubes to house all of my magazine subscriptions, fabrics, thread and Interior Decorating supplies (out of sight, out of mind). My dining table doubles as a fabric cutting station for when I'm prepping my sewing projects.  (sorry for the dark pics, but it's the best Photoshop could do with the picture taking skills of my tablet camera)

my-home-office home-office-storage


If you are thinking of adding a home office, now would be the perfect time.  It's Back To School shopping season, which equals mucho savings for you and who doesn't likey savings? So, don't wait any longer...get to it!

Your turn!

Which tip will you be using in your small space? Share by leaving me a comment below or simply share this post with your peeps!

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We’ll work together to transform your room into the room of your dreams.